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Deserving of his name, Wu Lei defeated Aldousari and was successfully elected as the World Asian Pre

Deserving of his name, Wu Lei defeated Aldousari and was successfully elected as the World Asian Pre


Deserving of his name, Wu Lei defeated Aldousari and was successfully elected as the World Asian Preliminary Player of the Month

·中国足球中国足球6月21日电 18日启动的亚洲世界杯预选赛亚足联月最佳球员评选正式结束。 Wu Lei was elected with 36.69% of the votes.萨里获得了 31.05% 的选票。相关阅读:快来CALL给雷子,亚冠当月最佳投票:武磊领衔,孙兴民上榜。具体投票统计如下:武磊4场比赛共出场289分钟,贡献5球2次。助攻。来源:亚足联官网 标签:武磊

